4 Reasons Why Seniors Should See A Geriatrician

Geriatricians are medical doctors that specialize in addressing the health care concerns of seniors and their family caregivers. Geriatricians also can act as care managers who take charge of a senior’s health care and make sure that a senior gets all of the care they need even if they need different types of medical care or additional therapies like physical therapies. Not all seniors need the kind of specialized care that geriatricians provide, but there are some significant advantages for seniors if they do see a geriatrician. Some of the reasons why seniors should consider a geriatrician are:

Seniors Have Unique Medical Needs

24-Hour Home Care in Oakland, FL: Geriatrician and Seniors

24-Hour Home Care in Oakland, FL: Geriatrician and Seniors

As seniors get older their medical needs change. A general practice doctor may not have the kind of advanced knowledge necessary to give seniors the best quality of treatment. It’s better for seniors to see a doctor that has studied the unique medical needs of seniors and understands the challenges that seniors face trying to stay healthy. 

A Geriatrician Provides A Holistic Approach To Care

One of the biggest complaints that family caregivers have about senior medical care is that it’s very difficult for them to coordinate the different types of care that seniors need. A geriatrician acts as the main point of contact for all of the medical professionals that a senior sees and coordinates all of the care. The geriatrician sees the big picture and how different medical providers can work together to keep your senior loved one healthy. If your senior loved one has a 24-hour health care provider the geriatrician can also include the 24-hour health care provider in the care team so that all of the care providers your senior loved one depends on are talking with one another and are on the same page. 

Better Quality Of Care

Working with a geriatrician will also ensure that your senior loved one receives a higher quality of care. Often there are issues that can fall through the cracks either because of poor communication or because seniors are seeing so many different doctors that some aspects of their care are missed. A geriatrician will be the head of your senior loved one’s care team and will be creating a care plan to address all of your senior loved one’s health challenges to make sure that they are getting the best possible care. And when you have questions about your senior loved one’s care you can go to one source, the geriatrician, for answers. 

Streamlined Care

Scheduling appointments, filling out forms, making sure that different doctors have copies of different medical tests or medical records is a real pain. Delays caused by shuffling papers and making phone calls can also delay the medical care that your senior loved one needs. A geriatrician can streamline the process of getting appointments and sharing information so that your senior loved one will be able to get the care they need when they need it without having to wait months for appointments. 

If you or an aging loved-one is considering 24-Hour Home Care in Oakland, FL please contact the caring staff at Winter Garden Senior Home Care today. (407) 347-2050



Rebecca Lanterman Jennifer Talbot
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