Beat Stress With These Low-Cost Hobbies

Your mom lives alone and needs help with many of her instrumental activities of daily living. You do what you can to help out, but you’re limited on time. It’s causing both of you to feel stressed. She hates feeling like a burden, and you hate that you’re busy with work, your children, and helping your mom.

Plan a day where you both take a break. Work together to find new hobbies you love. Here are some low-cost hobbies to get you started.


In-Home Care Winter Garden, FL: Low Cost Hobbies

In-Home Care Winter Garden, FL: Low Cost Hobbies

You don’t need a lot of money to make quilts. Scissors, a needle, and thread are enough. You can use clothing that you plan to throw away or that others are giving away. Turn those clothes into fabric squares to make quilts.

Quilts usually have batting inside, between the front and back of the quilt. Alternatives to batting include a fleece blanket, flannel sheet, or old towels also work.

Baking Bread

Homemade bread helps slash grocery bills, and it gives you control over the ingredients. You don’t need much either. Some filtered water, yeast, flour, sugar, and salt are really all you need. And, you can swap the sugar for a natural sweetener like honey or maple syrup if you’d prefer.

You can get the flour, yeast, and sugar needed to make a sourdough starter for less than $10 in many areas. From there, the sourdough starter is all you need to make new loaves of bread each week, so flour is really the main expense, and you can purchase that in bulk and save money.

Baking is a great way to ease stress. Kneading the dough helps you release tension. And, you’ll build up wrist, arm, and shoulder strength at the same time. That can be incredibly beneficial if your mom has arthritis.


Read books to ease stress. Reading is a great low-cost hobby. You can find thousands of free ebooks on Amazon and other booksellers. Authors often give away free e-books to introduce readers to their series. Plus, there’s the local library where you can borrow books or ebooks. 


You can read books, and you can write things on your own. Journaling is a great way to reduce stress. Write about your frustrations. If you’d rather write about something random, you’ll find plenty of websites with prompts. You can purchase a pen and notebook or use your computer and journal in a word processing document.

What does your mom need to maintain her independence? If her goal is to age at home, in-home care services offer the support she needs to stay in her home. Hire caregivers to help her out as needed. Know that when you visit, you’ll be able to spend quality time together because her in-home care aide has taken care of the rest.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering In-Home Care in Winter Garden, FL please contact the caring staff at Winter Garden Senior Home Care today. (407) 347-2050

Rebecca Lanterman Jennifer Talbot
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