Does Your Elderly Loved One Have Special Needs? You Can Help.

There are many elderly people who have special needs and require special assistance. In fact, about 70% of the population (80 years and older) have disabilities. In some cases, these disabilities have been with them throughout their entire life. Some special needs developed due to health issues or serious injuries. In every case, as family caregivers or elderly caregivers, you need to understand how to accommodate the elderly person in your life. Here are some tips to help you achieve your goal of meeting the needs of your elderly loved one.  

Talking About Their Conditions with a Doctor

Caregiver Ocoee, FL: Seniors and Special Needs

As a family caregiver, it is essential to talk about your elderly loved one’s condition with their doctor. You can get instructions on how best to meet the needs of your loved one. For instance, their doctor can tell you how to help your elderly loved one move around in their home. They might also encourage you to make a diet plan that will help your elderly loved one stay healthy.  

Talking to Other Family Members  

It is also important to talk with other family members. Together, you all can come up with a plan to assist your elderly loved one in tackling general tasks which include the following:  

  • Doing dishes 
  • Bathing themselves 
  • Preparing food 
  • Getting rides to appointments 

There are a number of tasks that a person with special needs might need help doing every day. Together, as a family unit, you can figure out who can better assist your elderly loved one.  

Creating a Plan for Proper Care 

It is essential to create a plan for proper care. You can start by writing down the plan. This way, everyone who is involved, will know exactly what to do each and every day. It is wise to include everything about your elderly loved one’s rehabilitation or maintenance needs in the plan. This will help ensure all their needs are met.  

Including Them in Activities and Events  

It is important to include your elderly loved one in activities and events. There are times when an adult with disabilities feels left out. This can result in depression and other mental health conditions. In order to help with your elderly loved one’s feelings, make sure to include them whenever possible.  


It can be difficult to care for a person with special needs every day. Are you a family caregiver that is taking care of an elderly loved one with special needs? If so, it is important to have patience, make a plan, and encourage your elderly loved one to participate in activities as much as possible. 


If you or an aging loved-one is considering a Caregiver in Ocoee, FL please contact the caring staff at Winter Garden Senior Home Care today. (407) 347-2050 






Rebecca Lanterman Jennifer Talbot
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