My Senior Mom Won’t Listen! What Do I Do?

It would be nice if our elderly loved ones listened more, especially when it involves health or updates that need to be taken seriously. When a senior continues to age in place, it’s because they want the freedom that comes from living alone, but this also means you may have a hard time getting through to your senior mom. In her mind, you are still their child, and they are adults, so it may be hard for them to accept your help and listen to any of your concerns about their lifestyle. 


If you are worried about their daily routine, health habits, or any aspects of their lifestyle, it’s time to hire home care assistance to help them with their day-to-day. This is a happy solution that may allow someone to speak openly to your mom, encouraging her to make the right health choices but not as limiting as a nursing home would be. Home care assistance professionals know and understand that the dynamic between you and your mom can be challenging. 


As a child, you want your parents to always take your counsel to heart since they know it’s coming from a place of true care and affection. Some elderly people, on the other hand, aren’t pleased with the thought of reversing roles, while others aren’t used to being told what to do. In the next section, you’ll discover a list of five things you can do when your parents refuse to listen.

Pick The Right Time to Talk to Your Senior

Home Care Assistance Dr. Phillips, FL: Listening and Seniors

Home Care Assistance Dr. Phillips, FL: Listening and Seniors

As a general rule, it’s not worth your time and effort to provide well-meaning advice and assistance to your parent while they’re preoccupied or just not in a good mood. As an alternative, try to choose a moment when your parents are calmer and more responsive. You may also want to limit distractions before talking to your mom or dad. This means turning off the TV and sitting with them chatting first before trying to talk about anything important. 

Avoid Sassy Tones and Always Remain Calm

To avoid being ignored or shut off, avoid using a tone that seems like you’re nagging or expressing displeasure or rage. If you stay cool, express your worries clearly, and explain why you’re delivering the counsel you are, your parent is less likely to become aggressive or defensive.

Ask Questions to Help Find Out Why Your Senior Mom Won’t Listen

Try to approach your parent in an inquiring manner rather than becoming upset with them because of what you see as their intransigence. To understand why your loved one is resistant to what you’re saying or recommending, ask insightful questions. Negotiating from this position gives you the best chance of reaching a mutually agreeable solution. It also sets the stage for a more fruitful exchange of ideas. People in their golden years may be reluctant to accept help because they fear losing their independence. Seniors who wish to retain a good standard of living should make an effort to be self-sufficient as long as possible.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care Assistance in Dr. Phillips, FL please contact the caring staff at Winter Garden Senior Home Care today. (407) 347-2050

Rebecca Lanterman Jennifer Talbot
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